Medicine Bottles

Medicine Bottle
c 1910-1920
Tanlac Tonic was one of many popular “cure-alls” from the turn of the century, an era when modern medicinal science was still in its infancy.
Glass, paper. H 22.5, W 3.9, L 7.4 cm
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, MAWA 3695
Medicine Bottle
c 1910-1930
Dr. Brown’s “Woman’s Wine.” Another supposed remedy for any and all female medical conditions.
Glass, paper. H 24.2, W 4.1, L 8.1 cm
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, MAWA 3700
Medicine Bottle
c 1900-1920
Echol’s Iron and Alum Water. For the treatment of a long list of chronic ailments, this blood tonic was advertised heavily in the Richmond newspapers during Maggie Walker’s lifetime.
Glass, paper. H 15.9, W 4.2, L 6.7 cm
Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site, MAWA 3695